Friday, August 17, 2012

Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation

Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation is a PS3 game released this year (2012). Currently they only have the Japanese version. This is a Youtube video I found where the player is playing on the Zeon side. 

This is the best Gundam game I have seen.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Gundam Zak by Max Watanabe

Someone shared this image on Facebook and I decided to Google it. Turns out it is created by Max Watanabe, a Japanese professional modeler. 

This looks really like a Gundam from far, because of the strong colors and the classic head. When look closely, its is actually made from a Zaku II. I love the modifications done on this model, especially the head. I wish I can own this!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Zaku II Defence Force By TIS

Another master piece of a Zaku II unit which I came across from a few blogs sharing it.

Most of the Zaku II original design was preserved in this piece of work. What makes this piece interesting are the customized equipments and weapons. The design of the axe holstered onto the shield makes the medieval axe fits in neatly to the overall. And of course the best colour choice: the green Zaku II!

Friday, August 10, 2012


I am sharing this from Hobby Japan magazine 2005 January issue. I am still keeping the issue because of this article: MS-06F ZAKU II SEMOVENTE UNIT by Harry.

This is a buffed up version of Zaku II. I like its proportion, it looks more tough and fierce. With the buffed up  body parts and a bigger shoulder shield, it looks like it can take a lot of hit before going down. The colour and the weathering gives it a realistic look which fits to the theme of Ms Igloo.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

(Singapore) Gunpla Builders World Cup 2012 Participation

Great, this come in time just for my passion to return! I have stopped Gunpla-ing for about 2 years because of personal commitment. Now I am back to my hobby!!! The closing date for submission is 2 November 2012, I'm definitely going to participate this year.

In 2008, I participated in 2 of these competitions, and I was short-listed for both. My works was displayed at Takashimaya Atrium for judging. Although in the end I did not win any award, it was satisfying to have my work be displayed in public for fellow Gunpla lovers to admire! I'll work hard to achieve an award this year!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

ZAKU - Ashley Wood

When I was in Hong Kong visiting the toy shops a few weeks back, I saw this big white box with only text and some artwork. What captivates me was the work "ZAKU". I couldn't see what is inside, so I Googled. And this was it, NICE!!!

It is designed by Ashley Wood. I know about this great artist from the game Metal Gear Solid series. His sketch styled artwork is captivating.

Here's the link to the official website:

Sunday, August 5, 2012

YAMS-130B GREIFER by Takuya

I saw this link in a forum some time back and I am really impressed by this piece of work by Takuya. I'm always going back to this page to admire it over and over again.

The detailing is amazing. From his webpage, I understand that he uses a machine to cut out the metal pieces that is at the torso area. The way he customize this model, I really can't tell which part belongs to a Zaku II or a Gouf. This is what motivates me to continue my Gunpla hobby!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Zaku II Wallpaper 1920x1080

Here is a wallpaper I created from the box art of Real Grade Zaku II.

Well since this is my 1st post, I shall briefly introduce what this blog is about.

I am a fan of the Gundam Universe since back in the 1990s, and naturally Gunpla becomes my hobby. In case you are wondering what the word ‘Gunpla’ means, it is a short form for Gundam Plastic Modeling. Before that, I was obsessed with LEGO, guess I just like to build and assemble things.

Within the Gundam Universe, my favourite Mobile Suit design is the Zaku II. I can't describe why Zaku II is the most appealing mobile suit to me. It could be the mono eye head unit, the green colour, or the overall design. Another fact is that I have seen too many Zaku II model kits being customized into a magnificent piece of  work.

So this blog is dedicated to sharing all (or at least most of it) about Zaku II!